You were not alone then, you are not alone now. There are 20 million vets who would give their lives for you. PLEASE, don't take yours.

After a traumatic experience, it's normal to feel frightened, sad, anxious, and disconnected. But if the upset doesn't fade and you feel stuck with a constant sense of danger and painful memories, you may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can seem like you'll never get over what happened or feel normal again.
This is why we have created the "buddy-buddy" program.  Veterans like you, that have shared a similar experience or trauma in one of our nations many conflicts, are available to talk with you openly and privately and help you deal with issues associated with your experience.
If you are struggling, if you are in pain, if you just need to talk, please call.

Veterans Affairs 
           Veterans Crisis Hotline  1 (800) 273- 8255   press "1"
          Veterans CHAT 
          Veterans TEXT   838255
VFW 4388
From the  National VFW Dispatch

September is Suicide Prevention Month. The VFW remains dedicated to raising awareness, improving research and breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health, and we’re asking you to get involved.

We’re proud to announce the fifth annual "A Day to Change Direction” will take place Sept. 19. This important day is a day of service and action to change the dialogue on mental health for America’s veterans and our communities. It offers you, your Post and your community a day to come together to make an invaluable difference in the lives of so many.

It’s not too late to start planning an in-person or virtual event in support of A Day to Change Direction that will serve to educate your community. As brothers and sisters-in-arms, we have an obligation to ensure every veteran receives the help and support they need. Click here for more information on how you can get involved.